Synopsis: Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a strong, handsome, good old-fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to his ability to “pull” a different woman every weekend, but even the finest fling doesn’t compare to the bliss he finds alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a bright, beautiful, good old-fashioned girl. Raised on romantic Hollywood movies, she’s determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset. Wrestling with good old-fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy in this unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
First Trailer for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's DON JON
Joseph Gordon-Levitt was pretty much everywhere in 2012 as he made appearances in four films (The Dark Knight Rises, Premium Rush, Looper, and Lincoln) and still found time to write, direct and star in his own film, originally titled Don Jon's Addiction, that has been making its rounds on the festival circuit for a few months now. I was hoping to catch a screening of it as it was the closing night film at my local film festival this past weekend, but was unable to make it and likely would not have been able to get into the screening anyway. Anyway, I'm anxious to see what the talented actor has up his sleeve in terms of writing and making a feature film and if the trailer is any indication it at least looks like he had a good time making a movie and that experience seems to have been captured on screen. The tone and pacing of the film seem very apparent here and the film seems ripe with comic opportunity as it mainly concerns itself with distilling the ideals put on the masses by mainstream entertainment that every relationship should be like those we see in romantic comedies. This is of course a difficult goal to achieve when you factor in a porn. This is the addiction referred to in the films original title, but is also the main point of conflict when Gordon-Levitt's title character finds someone he might have a real shot of an authentic relationship with in Scarlett Johansson. Reviews from the festival circuit have been overwhelmingly positive and I'm anxious to see what all the fuss is about. The film also stars Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Jeremy Luke, Rob Brown, and Brie Larson. Don Jon opens on October 18th. Hit the jump to check out the trailer.
Synopsis: Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a strong, handsome, good old-fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to his ability to “pull” a different woman every weekend, but even the finest fling doesn’t compare to the bliss he finds alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a bright, beautiful, good old-fashioned girl. Raised on romantic Hollywood movies, she’s determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset. Wrestling with good old-fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy in this unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Synopsis: Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a strong, handsome, good old-fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to his ability to “pull” a different woman every weekend, but even the finest fling doesn’t compare to the bliss he finds alone in front of the computer watching pornography. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a bright, beautiful, good old-fashioned girl. Raised on romantic Hollywood movies, she’s determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset. Wrestling with good old-fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy in this unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
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I usually don't watch trailers but I couldn't hold myself back with this one (if you do not know this, JGL is my boy :D) and I was very surprised. I had thought of it to be something totally different and yet, it seems like a fun movie! I liked the trailer as well.. especially the beginning and then the scene used in the end just.. oh. I hope this will bring more credit to JGL because he's one of my all time favorites!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure what to expect what with the premise and the tendency to go dramatic in such situations, but I was pleasantly surprised by the trailer and am really looking forward to this now. Seems like a light, funny, brisk movie with a couple of great performances.