On DVD & Blu-Ray: December 24, 2019

Cause and effect. Action and reaction. It was these ideas that continuously arose as I learned more and more about Judy Garland that I hadn't previously been aware of in director Rupert Goold's (True Story) biopic that centered around The Wizard of Oz stars final marriage, final performances and final days. Judy is rather routine in terms of how it stacks up to other films of the same nature, but Renée Zellweger defines disappearing into a role in it and the impact of the tragedy that was Garland's entire life transcends the routinenss of the proceedings because of this central turn. The re-creation of 1969 may not be as central a focus here as it was in Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood either, but there's something to be said about it, how subtly it's executed and the response it garnered; completely warm and welcoming despite the events of the film/Garland's life being truly heartbreaking...kind of the way Garland herself seemed. C+

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