I am really excited this movie has finally come to DVD and blu-ray. Scorsese is easily one of the greatest film directors of all time and when he creates a film it should be nothing short of an event. DiCaprio, though still a little shaky as far as leading man goes ( it feels he hasn't truly commanded the screen since 'Catch Me If You Can') does a fine job here on his fourth collabo with Scorsese. DiCaprio is an actor who will go down in history as one of those iconic names and faces. He is a skilled actor who chooses only the roles that he sees extending his talent and testing his skill. It is nothing short of fantastic seeing these two team up again and again. That being said, 'Shutter Island' stands on its own just as well as their other films do. Scorsese hasn't visited the horror/psychological thriller in some time, but doesn't let that show as he expertly crafts a world of tension and nostalgia. The throwback style of 1954 is present even in the way the film was made. The music, the backdrops behind characters who are driving. A mood is created, a confusion and it doesn't let up until the final minutes of the running time. It is hard to discuss much of the story without giving away anything. you can guess where the film may be going, but you will always second guess what you are thinking and I believe that is part of the genius of what Scorsese has crafted here. We never quite know what exactly is going on and with such a great ensemble cast of creepy fellas including Ben Kingsley and Jackie Earle Haley we are never taken over by that fact. It never overrides our sense of tension and fear. There is something to be said for Ruffalo as well. He doesn't have the flashiest role, but he does well with it and creates just the right balance of characteristics that we have no problem buying into the outcome. It is truly sad, the denouement offers answers as well as leaving us hanging with a 'take it as you will' closure. Personally, I thought the ending escalated the film and made me like it much more than I thought I was going to about half-way through the film. It is a tad lengthy, but that is to be expected. It more than makes up for its faults on all accounts though as 'Shutter Island' is both equally moving and frightening.
OMG the Shutter Island! I can't say bad words about a Martin Scorsese movie! I LOVE his movies!!! He is a genius, but not this is my favorite movie from him. I like much better his mafia movies like "Goodfellas" or "The Departed" and the movies what is telling a life like "Raging Bull" or "The Aviator". But this is a gem too in movie's world. The opening scene with that song is professional. Leonardo DiCaprio is good as always. You can feel the trace of his hand during the whole movie. The first sing is that DiCaprio has the leading role :D. I can't wait their next movie!!!!