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Karen (Isla Fisher) and Jeff Gaffney (Zach Galifianakis) discover a secret about their new neighbors. |
Keeping Up With the Joneses is set in an idyllic suburban cul-de-sac where Jeff Gaffney (Galifianakis) and his wife Karen (Isla Fisher) find absolute happiness. The summer season is upon them and they have shipped their two young sons off to camp for a few weeks leaving them alone in their paradise which they inevitably have no idea what do with. They are a married couple completely wrapped up in the material existence of their neighborhood that finds the greatest of joys in their get-togethers such as “Junetoberfest” or in the security that many of them work for the same major tech corporation around the corner. It is this corporation that serves to be the crux of the screenplay though, for as soon as Jeff and Karen are getting ready to figure out how exactly to spend all of their free time they are delivered new neighbors in the form of Tim (Jon Hamm) and Natalie Jones (Gal Gadot). Tim and Natalie seem too perfect to be true-too well put together and composed while participating in far too many extracurricular activities outside of their seemingly spectacular jobs that place Tim as a travel writer and Natalie as a social media consultant/activist for Sri Lankan orphans. While Jeff, who is a Human Resources guy at ABJ, prides himself on being able to connect and read people he doesn’t agree with Karen’s assessment that the Joneses are too good to be true, too perfect to be real, and too calculated to be genuine if not up to something nefarious. And thus, much of the movie hinges on Karen trying to prove her theory correct while Jeff is more inspired by the prospect of making a new friend in Tim. These quests of sorts become their adventures for the summer that take the place of whatever activities they might have taken up with their children, but in something of a surprising fashion (one of the few the script allows) Jeff and Karen indeed figure out the truth of Tim and Natalie's existence and purpose in their peaceful suburb about halfway through the film. This opening up of the discovery of the truth sooner rather than later allows for the second half of the film to feel a bit more energetic and put forth a momentum that at least passes the time in a more pleasing fashion rather than the plodding along of the necessary, but overly expositional first half. Allowing the bumbling Jeff and the half-skilled, half-straight up crazy Karen to join forces with the experts turns out to be the films secret weapon as it doesn't choose to push Jeff and Karen to the side in favor of more action and less comedy with the reveal of Tim and Natalie actually being spies. It's as if the cast and Mottola knew the closer they came to finishing the film that it wasn't going to be very good (not that they necessarily shot it in order) and so they invested more in making the finale a little more singular and not so common despite the final product still being as average as ever.
A lot of what makes Keeping Up With the Joneses work as well as it does (or can) is the casting in type of each of its principle actors. In other words, these are all people we've seen the likes of Galifianakis, Hamm, and Gadot play before. Fisher is the odd woman out here and one doesn't necessarily think of her as a necessarily frumpy or off-putting woman desperate for attention, but quite the opposite actually as her breakout role in Wedding Crashers will forever position her as the first choice to portray a perfect balance of crazy and sexy, but in Keeping Up With the Joneses LeSieur’s script mainly calls for the red-headed beauty to play the crazy up and little else. Though Karen is right in this instance she is undoubtedly on some serious crazy pills as Fisher plays her more as inherently jealous rather than crazily curious. And it's not that Fisher can't play the suburbanite mom who has everything under control with her work-from-home interior design job, but the point seems to be that Karen isn't exactly satisfied in this role despite the facade she presents to the rest of her cul-de-sac and more importantly, to Jeff, who seemingly couldn't be happier. This is where one might expect for the film to begin to pull back the layers on domestic anxiety and reveal the scary truth that only so much happiness can be found in something as simple as your neighborhood, but instead of exposing this aspect of Americana which, given the set-up, one would think to be the intent of the film, Keeping Up With the Joneses instead embraces this idea and goes on to more or less agree with it. Sure, it recommends such a quiet and peaceful existence be balanced with a few excursions or getaways to keep the spice alive not only in life, but in marriage, but it seems the intent of the film from the get-go is to kind of rail against and make fun of people who take out such happiness in the simplicity of beautifully landscaped corner lots, but LeSieur doesn't have the gall to flat-out make fun of suburban America. Instead, he ends up describing them as endearing and bringing the two couples at the core of his film full circle in that Jeff and Karen learn a few things from Tim and Natalie and vice versa. The metaphor that Tim and Natalie exist to serve is that of the necessary chaos in life, or more specifically, to kind of amplify the ridiculousness the overly domesticated place on the ultimate insignificance of "trendy needs" and other demands, but Keeping Up With the Joneses isn't a perceptive enough comedy to really translate this metaphor successfully instead becoming an action comedy where neither of those categories shine bright enough for the film to rise above its standard execution.
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The Joneses (Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot) are secret government agents who move to small town America to infiltrate a major corporation. |
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